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Showing posts from March, 2012


Thank you, Lord, for going beyond my ability to believe.


If God had been a symbol, we are nothing but alphanumeric characters having the grandest illusion of possessing life.

Knowing God

The reason why it can be very difficult to know God personally is our own reluctance, in fact even resistance, to know ourselves honestly for who we frankly are.


The surest way to a lasting peace of mind, of heart, and of soul is to let the Lord lead the way, and simply follow Him wherever He leads you.


The future that you do not know is much better than the worst of the past that you knew.


The more I learn to understand deeply my own language, the more I appreciate the history from which it rose, and the indebtedness I owe from those people who, at the time, became instruments in the existence, or more exactly the evolution, of my language into what it is today. I am talking about Bisaya language, which owe so much from the Spanish language.