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Showing posts with the label fear


  Fear is nothing to fear.

Fear & Faith

  Fear is forgetting that God will never forsake us. It is a clue to the loss of faith.


Authority unquestioned is either authority fully respected or authority fully feared.

Love and Fear

It is very difficult to love someone you have learned to fear.


Bullies are not difficult to figure out. They are cowards who gain false courage behind the pawns that shield them from real consequences of his actions. Remove those pawns, and you will see the most despicable self-esteem there are. They simply fear those who do not fear them.

God's Will and Fear

The most difficult part in following God's will is the fear that after following Him so He will let go; even if you know that He won't. .

Death and Living

Sometimes people so feared death they never realized they have given up living. [A quote from " Second Chances ," in the blog At the End of the Day ]

Freedom and Bondage

Most people believe that once people gain their freedom from oppressors, they became free. History shows that's not necessarily true. Our oppressors are not outside us but within us--pride, fear, covetousness... These sinful vices keep people in bondage using chains that no amount of uprising can break.


If something is not broken, it is crazy to even think of fixing it.


There are things in life that we have to take on faith. And once we have made that scary leap, we will discover a new sense of freedom that will not be rattled by death. 


Almost all the time, when we proceed to do the things we fear despite the fear, we come to find out that there is not much to fear at all. Fear oftentimes is just in our mind, a natural human reaction on things he feels uncertain about, things he does not understand. Fear is the offspring of unbelief.