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Showing posts with the label happiness


Only the heart that knows the deepest of sorrows can truly experience the deepest of joys. Surface happiness makes the heart grow shallow.

Children and Happiness

Children need only a single word such as "baby," and a peculiar way of saying it themselves, to laugh aloud in the next 10-15 minutes, or until another source of happiness catches their attention. They simply repeat the word in that unique way of saying it, again and again, milking it with all the joy they can get from it. They have the simplest need to make themselves happy, and are very efficient in enjoying that source of joy. Things that adults have learned to forget to their sad misfortune.

Age and Happiness

No one is too old to have fun, and enjoy a good life. Even amidst the ups and downs of life, it is still possible to have fun. It is all in the mind. Commit to be happy whatever condition there is, and happiness you will find at the tip of your fingers.

Fun and Happiness

We don't have to look for fun and happiness somewhere else. Just by looking at yourself, of who you are and what have you been doing lately or in the past, you will find a lot of things to laugh about, to have fun with, and to be happy with.


In simple things comes the deepest of happiness, the joy of the soul.


Trying hard at happiness fails because hardwork is not often compatible with a smile. A hardworker who concentrated at solving a problem will even forget he lost the laugh. Happiness comes in not taking life or yourself seriously, and in realizing that a hard face cannot form a happy smile.