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Showing posts with the label faith

Fear & Faith

  Fear is forgetting that God will never forsake us. It is a clue to the loss of faith.


Thank you, Lord, for going beyond my ability to believe.


One great irony of faith, especially among those who profess themselves as Christians, is the human inability to legislate the existence of God.

Christian Faith

The easier part in Christian faith is to love God. The more difficult, in fact the most difficult, part is to love God only and nothing else. Yes, we love other things too, at times as passionately or more so. That is the biblical case of serving two masters; one has to be despised in favor of the other.


If only we realize, and genuinely believe, that we are children of an infinitely good Father, we would choose to be good children of that good Father as long as we live. The sobering truth however is that despite what many people may say, deep inside at very seat of our soul, that genuine belief is not really there. So people still continue to live according to the lights of their vile motives as if they will not be answerable for it and for all the actions coming from it.  

Relationship and Trials

 Sometimes when a relationship is in extreme trial, all you can hold on are the memories of those happy moments in time and the faith of the constant love of the other. This is easier in a relationship between persons where presence is mediated with the senses. It is much more difficult in a person's relationship with God; all the soul has to do is to follow that darkness with only the faith of God's love providing a glimmering light.

Faith and Doubt

Faith is about believing that God will perform miracles in our lives, despite our feeling hinted with doubt that He may not do so, and proceeding to ask him anyway: "Lord, help me."

Sight and Faith

The blind believes more than those who can see.

Faith and Destination

Faith is going where God wants you to go, without having to know where you are going to.

Faith, Confession and Surrender

The easiest thing about faith is confessing it before adoring fans that you believe. The most difficult part is the total giving of your life and future to the will of God, fully surrendering to it wherever it may take you whether or not you may have chosen that road or destiny should you had your will followed. 


Those who have trust have hope. Only the faithless are incurably hopeless.


All the miracles in our lives are as much a miracle of how much we believed.


There are things in life that we have to take on faith. And once we have made that scary leap, we will discover a new sense of freedom that will not be rattled by death.