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Sincere Giving

We give most sincerely when we do not expect even a 'Thank You' for our gifts. The joy of giving comes from a heart overflowing with so much love for others, it simply rejoices in the chance and the privelege of being able to give to others. And no personal credit for such love fits an ever-joyful giver, but a gratitude towards God for chosing us as His instruments in making others experience His love for them.  


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To care for someone makes sense only when that someone knows about it. Let it be know so that wonderful things happen to your life and the others.


It is not how much you give that matters. But how much love accompany that giving. Millions maybe given; but without love, what merit does that giving brings? Give then with love, and let that love determine how much you need to give.

Sight and Heart

Only the heart that is pure and free of attachment to the glories and materials of this world can have the eyes to see beyond the trappings of this world. Grace clears the eyes of the person whose heart is prepared to receive grace. That is why even the most intelligent persons will not see the errors of their ways, having been blinded by pride and selfishness. Only the humble heart sees what no one else can see.