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Our wounds are the proofs that we are alive.

Prayer and Relevance

Prayer is only relevant to our search for God's designs for us and the world. Other than that, prayer is by nature irrelevant. It is not relevant in terms of our social or personal goals. God simply cannot be manipulated to follow our own designs for Him.

Perception & Reality

Our perception is our reality. If we perceive that the food and water before us is reeking with unseen fecal dirt, we will not eat the food or drink the water. Our perception though does not dictate the truth; neither our reality does. Truth is because it is.


Most of the time, things work out very well just because you are in the right place, at the right time.


Thank you, Lord, for going beyond my ability to believe.


If God had been a symbol, we are nothing but alphanumeric characters having the grandest illusion of possessing life.

Knowing God

The reason why it can be very difficult to know God personally is our own reluctance, in fact even resistance, to know ourselves honestly for who we frankly are.